Prof. Dr. Albert Heck

Prof. Dr. Albert J.R. Heck (1964) is Distinguished Faculty Professor at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Heck is also scientific director of the Netherlands Proteomics Centre. A large emphasis of Heck’s group is on the development and applications of advanced mass spectrometry-based technologies for proteomics and structural biology. Heck’s proteomics research focuses for a large part on cancer, stem cells and immunology. Besides these proteomics related efforts, the group of Heck is also known for its expertise in mass spectrometry based structural biology, using native mass spectrometry, cross-linking and/or HD exchange mass spectrometry.
Heck is recipient of several awards such as the HUPO Discovery Award (2013), the Proteomics Pioneer Award (EuPA, 2014). In 2016 he received the ACS Field and Franklin Award (ACS) and the Outstanding Research Award of the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry (NVMS). In 2014, he became elected member of EMBO and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts (KNAW). In 2017, Heck received the Spinoza Prize from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. In 2018 Heck was recipient of the Thomson Medal from the International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (IMSF) and the Sir Hans Krebs Medal from the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS).